Dalia Huerta Cano
Cinematographer and documentary filmmaker. Registers art from and for artists and museums. Has made several formal film studies in Mexico, The Netherlands and Cuba. Was supported by CECA (Jalisco) in 2007 and 2010 on film and video making and won the grant for post production IMCINE 2015. Her work has been selected, exhibited and awarded on film festivals around the world.
Fotógrafa y realizadora de documentales. Hace registro de y para artistas y museos. Tiene diversos estudios formales sobre cine en México, Holanda y Cuba. Ha sido becaria del CECA (Jalisco) en 2007 y 2010 y ganado el apoyo de Post-Producción de IMCINE en 2015. Su trabajo ha sido seleccionado, exhibido y premiado en festivales de cine nacionales e internacionales.
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