Guillermo Zabaleta
Guillermo Zabaleta.1965 Montevideo. Uruguay.
Visual artist and teacher. Graduated from the school of Acción Teatral Alambique. Studied Museology at the FHCE_UdelaR. He is part of the Fundación de Arte Contemporáneo. From 2009 to today he coordinates the Laboratorio de cine/ fac. He is a visiting lecturer at the Maestría de Cine alternativo de la EICTV of San Antonio de los Baños, Cuba 2017. He has taught workshops and experimental film laboratories in Havana, Salto, Maldonado, Melo, Murcia, Madrid, and Montevideo.
I participated as an artist in the 3rd Biennial of Montevideo, 12th Biennial of Havana, 29th São Paulo Biennial, integrating the project "La Imagen en Llamas" by Ángela López Ruiz, IX Salto Biennial, Parallel / Manifesta8 and Cine a Contracorriente. I have received national and international awards such as the Artistic Residency for Bs.As Argentina MEC exchange (2017), Fondos Concursables para la Cultura 2016 with the project "Interstices", Fondo de Impacto Social de Fundación. La Caixa, Spain, for the project " Handmade Cinema" (2012), Fondos Pro Cultura de Maldonado for" One Minute of Cinema ", (2010 and 2012).
He was commissioned to be part of "Panorama" project that brings together 100 relevant Uruguayan artists organized by the Centro de Exposiciones Subte, 2016. Among the most recent exhibitions stands out the anthological exhibition "Multiplexado / Zabaleta" -CCE (2016). Among the latest group exhibitions highlights: Con Vivencias, Centro de Exposiciones SUBTE. Montevideo. 2015 :.
56th Salón Nacional de Artes Visuales. Montevideo. 2014.
En el lugar de lo dicho. Exploraciones en el archivo discursivo de la fotografía/Fotograma .Museo Nacional de Artes Visuales. 2013. Dueños de la Encrucijada-Centro Cultural Rojas y Museo Blanes. Buenos Aires y Montevideo. 2009/2008.
His films and performances have been shown at
Festival Ambulante, Mexico. 2017.
Dobra Festival, Rio de Janeiro. Brazil.2015.
La Imagen en Llamas - San Francisco Cinematheque, 2015.
American Showcase- Echo Park Film Center, L.A.2015.
Southern Latitude-Film Makers Co-operative NY.EE 2015.
Mex-Parismental 9-Room Point Ephemere, Paris 2014.
Cinema to Contracorriente CCCB- Barcelona. (2010-2012).
11 Festival des Cinemas Differents de Paris, France. 2009.
Contact: Mail: yzabaleta@gmail.com Cel. +598 99 88 99 98
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