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Jorge Lorenzo


After fin­ish­ing his BA degree in Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Sci­ence at Tec­no­logico de Mon­ter­rey in the year 2000, Mex­i­can film­maker Jorge Lorenzo got involved in the local Mon­ter­rey audio­vi­sual pro­duc­tion scene for a few years. In 2004 he got a Ful­bright schol­ar­ship to study an MFA degree in Exper­i­men­tal Film and Video at the San Fran­cisco Art Insti­tute in Cal­i­for­nia where he lived for three years absorb­ing the legacy and tra­di­tion of exper­i­men­tal cin­ema the area has devel­oped through­out sev­eral decades.
   Lorenzo works on solely indi­vid­ual and per­sonal film projects nowa­days and although he is still active in the field of video and dig­i­tal tech­nol­ogy, his fond­ness for the use of cel­lu­loid is evi­dent not because of the image it pro­duces but because of the format’s phys­i­cal, mate­r­ial, and for­mal char­ac­ter­is­tics. Thus, through sev­eral exper­i­men­tal tech­niques like cam­era­less film and appro­pri­a­tion meth­ods, Lorenzo’s sly obser­va­tions of film’s con­cep­tual nature ques­tion, not only con­tem­po­rary mov­ing image tech­nol­ogy in gen­eral, but our very exis­tence and place in soci­ety as well.
   Lorenzo’s films have been screened at impor­tant exper­i­men­tal cin­ema venues such as the Berlin Inter­na­tional Film Fes­ti­val (Berli­nale), the Images Fes­ti­val in Toronto, and the Exper­i­ments in Cin­ema fes­ti­val in Albu­querque, among oth­ers. His piece 1/8” (2008) –which merely lasts one sin­gle frame out of the usual twenty four we see every sec­ond– cap­tured the atten­tion of some mem­bers of the inter­na­tional exper­i­men­tal cin­ema com­mu­nity like Alexan­der Hor­wath, Direc­tor of the Aus­tria Film­mu­seum in Vienna, who has quoted it on sev­eral occa­sions “…the most sub­ver­sive film of all times,” includ­ing an arti­cle pub­lished in the renowned film mag­a­zine Cahiers du Cinéma.
   Cre­ative endeav­ors apart, Jorge Lorenzo trav­els to and fro between Mex­ico and Colom­bia where he teaches film and video-elated courses at Tec­no­logico de Mon­ter­rey and Black Maria Film School Bogota respectively.

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